Bee Hotel.
Not all bees live in colonies or build hives in which to nest. Many types of bees are solitary and they are some of the most important natural pollinators around. These Bees are gentle in nature and are not known to bother humans. I enjoy standing near the hive and watching the different Bees come and go, with so many different species one Bee Hotel can be home to multiple types of Solitary Bees. They do not produce honey but do provide excellent pollination to your nearby crops and flowers. Habitat for these insects is getting harder to come by, normally these types of bees will nest in hollow old stems or holes in wood but by placing a Bee Hotel in your garden you can encourage these important insects to set up homes in your backyard.
Dimensions are- W-7.5” D- 6” H- 14.5”
$49.00 to purchase.
Please Visit Our Online Store To Purchase.